Has anyone heard the Stage III Kraken power cord

I am using Stage III Minotaurs now and was thinking of upgrading to the Kraken. I use the Minotaurs on a BMC AMP C1 and also a BMC BDCD 1.1 cd player and am very curious about the Kraken. My speakers are the SalkSound HT2-TL'S with Acoustic Zen absolute speaker cables.
your cobalt power cord was not burned-in at all, they take hundreds of hours to break-in, that was the E-mail response I got from Tara labs concerning break-in, High-fidelity power cords take hundreds of hours to burn-in as well, Happy Listening
I just read a review Of the High-fidelity Ultimate Referance Rhodium Plus power cord against the Kraken, and beat the kraken in all ways of sound reproduction!
I have found with the Stage III Kraken power cords they need to be left undisturbed, NOT touched for at least a week or so to sound there Best. Flipping power cords back and fourth or IC's in that matter under any review... is bad practice.
Audiolabyrinth, was that two reviews in Dagogo?

Jebsmith73, I have found that many cables, including pcs, hate to be moved and take time to recover.