Has anyone implemented a Roon server from an Intel NUC?

Has anyone made a Roon server using Roon ROCK and an Intel NUC computer--such as https://www.amazon.com/NUC8i3BEK-Dual-Core-Bluetooth-Thunderbolt-capacidad/dp/B07KJTCF78/ref=sr_1_9?dchild=1&keywords=NUC8i7BEH&qid=1592497508&refinements=p_n_feature_keywords_two_browse-bin%3A8080209011&rnid=8080208011&s=pc&sr=1-9&th=1

I don't like using my iMac as a Roon Core.  It has to be on, slows it down, etc.  It looks like you can use one of these Intel micro computers to serve as the Roon Core using Roon ROCK freeware. 

The other option is to spend another $800 more and do a Roon Nucleus.  

Any insight will be appreciated.  Thank you!
I did this a couple of years ago using a NUC7i3BNH. I am moderately savvy with computer technology and had one or two steps momentarily stump me but I was able get music out of it within a couple of hours. When I started, I imagined putting it in a fanless case but did not do that because I cannot hear the fan at the listening position even without music.

If you plan to use the DSP feature you should get at least an i5 if not i7.
The one you posted has windows 10 on it. While not really a big deal but you can’t run ROCK on win 10 you would in essence erase it and not use it. The ones I posted don’t come with an OS. I used an i5 in a fanless case and it doesn’t even break a sweat. I keep my NUC in my home office and use a raspberry pi4 as a roon bridge in my listening room.
