Has anyone listened to or auditioned Verity's new Arindale speaker ?

Hello Audiogon members - I hope all is well and just wondering if any of you have listened to this speaker. This replaced the Amadis S in their speaker line and would welcome any comments on who has actually listened to this speaker. Thank you in advance.      


@larry5729 if I had money to buy them, I'd probably pay off my mortgage, buy a 10K speaker from my wish list and be happy as a mutt. (I'd have some money left for paying off student loans)

So after all of the above; it would appear to safe to say that nobody who has for their personal reasons answered my thread, have listened to the Arindale's ? Thank you all .....


lalitk, forgot to mention that my speakers are the monitor audio platinum 200 ll



Call Paul Manos at High Fidelity Services in Hingham, Ma who is the US distributor and see if he has even sold one in the US himself or sent one to a dealer. My only experience with Verity is owning the Otello for over four years.