Has anyone made the jump to $uper High end and were disappointed?

I'm talking $50,000 and higher amps, speakers, cablesetc. I know there is excellent sounding gear from $100 to infinity (much is system dependent, room, etc). However, just curious if someone made the leap and deep down realize the "expected" sound quality jump was not as much as the price jump. Unfortunately, I'm not in a position to make that jump. However, looking at another forum's thread about price point of diminishing returns got me wondering if anyone had buyers remorse. It's not easy to just "flip" a super high priced component. 
I think it’s all relative, we find joy in our respective systems and budgets.

It’s true that unless you join some audio geek club someplace, very few care about the new tube you bought or how great your system sounds. Doesn’t bother me one bit however as I have enough fun with the stuff as to render outside opinions irrelevant (unless they completely agree with me).
The great thing about living in 2017 is that there are so much more options to control sound and create a level in realims what was not even possible in the past.

But regardless money facts still proof that most products and also brands do miss essential parts which are needed to create an audiosystem what is able to reveal all the information of a recording

Money does not garantee you anything in audio. And also for ’Highend’ you do not get a stunning level based on the price it cost. I talked this year to different people who work in audio for a long time and also visited The CES this year. Highend is changing and it is not that possitive many said. They all see the decreasing market.

It proofs that they way both sound&vision are done all over the world needs to change. The average age on audioshows also proof that the ’new’ generation is a lot less interested in both sound&vision.

I visited Munic ’Highend’ 2 times and I will visited it next year again. I was surprised about the limited knowledge and insight of the people who gave the demoes. Many are just business people.

Over 90% of all the demoes where given in a 2D stage. People can hear in a 3D spectrum. So when you want to play audio at a high level it needs to be able to create a stunning 3D holographic stage. In all other situations you are not even allowed to use the word ’highend’

But.....there is a much bigger problem in audio than the lack of a 3D stage. Many digital sources, dacs and products are not able to create a good level in diversity in sound.

Diversity in sound is the essential part of music what influences our emotion during listening to our music. Because based on facts we humans do not feel a lot of emotion when we hear to music and sound what lacks diversity in sound.

This is what is needed to get excited, intense and emotional. Because this is how our emotion works. At shows people often have no idea what the reason is why most demoes are not able to make them excited.

The most common reaction during shows is the fact that people miss the real emotion of most systems at an audioshow.

When you do not understand both sound and music, you never will understand audio. This is the key part where it all goes wrong. To control and guide your system you need to understand why the stage and sound is what you hear.

For this you need to know and understand all the different properties of sound, the acoustics and the other parts who negative influences the sound and stage.

There is no other way to understand it and create the sound and stage you would like to get. Because the way audio is done all over the world is by trial and error. This is like Russian Roulette.

When you change a loudspeaker, cable, amp, source etc by another one. You need to understand first which properties you took out by changing it to another product. And which properties you brought in when you changed it.

Because the sound and stage of your system at home is being created by all the properties of all the parts togheter, the acoustics and the other parts who negative influences the sound and stage.

This proofs how complex sound is. And for a good result you need a system what owns all the different properties sound is being formed at.

When an audio system can reveal more different properties it will be able to create a higher level in emotion for each single person. Because all the different properties of sound can influence our emotion.

This is why ’highend’ does not garantee you anthing. Because people focus on brands and products. In most situations this will not create a sound and stage what will be so exciting that you want to listen to it day by day.

You need the right properties to come as close as possible to how music sound in real and how it is being projected in space. And again most products and brands proof on facts that they miss essential parts of sound.

It doesn’t matter which combination you will make, the sound and stage will be incomplete. All people will feel and experience a much lower level in emotion and intensity during listening to music.

Because you need an audiosystem what can reveal all the information of the recording. Because all the emotion of music is on the recording.

This means you need an audiosystem what can reveal all the layers and information of the recording.

We see and hear that when music is being played with all the layers and properties people become excited and many even emotional.

This is what you need to make the ’new’ generation also interested in audio. We humans are always  looking for emotion. No incomplete audio system will ever be used and liked by any person for a long period.
Yeah man: "It doesn’t matter which combination you will make, the sound and stage will be incomplete. All people will feel and experience a much lower level in emotion and intensity during listening to music." Ya know…I miss you Bo…nobody, and I mean nobody in this forum says things like that. At length. In long posts. Nobody. It’s like the old saying I just made up, "You can’t have nobody without Bo."
It’s a self-fulfilling prophecy that the more one spends on audio the better the sound quality. The audio industry is like the car industry. The price of cars keeps going up. It’s an economic reality - businesses must continually EXPAND in customers and income. The auto industry has figured out that people will spend increasing large amounts of money on what is essentially the same product. The trick is to promote each new car model as new and improved. Whether it’s true or not. The audio industry has figured out the same thing.

There are two high ends for audio. One is in the solid grip of upgraditis, that one tends to be solidly Anti Tweak, believing that the secret to sound quality is the electronic circuit, expensive parts and “solid engineering” - in quotes. The other high end is more of a tweak-oriented group, focused on improving the sound through cleverness and thoughtfulness. THIS high end operates by assessing the weaknesses in the audio system and coming up with solutions. You know, the group that doesn’t read reviews any more. The ones who don’t buy Stereophile or The Absolute Sound anymore.