Has anyone made the jump to $uper High end and were disappointed?

I'm talking $50,000 and higher amps, speakers, cablesetc. I know there is excellent sounding gear from $100 to infinity (much is system dependent, room, etc). However, just curious if someone made the leap and deep down realize the "expected" sound quality jump was not as much as the price jump. Unfortunately, I'm not in a position to make that jump. However, looking at another forum's thread about price point of diminishing returns got me wondering if anyone had buyers remorse. It's not easy to just "flip" a super high priced component. 
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Correcto Mundo! Nobody ever said trial and error was a good idea. I have said it wasn’t a good idea like forever for speaker placement. You have to have a method. Trial and error is like trying to solve N simultaneous equations in N + x unknowns. The best you can hope for is finding local maximums. And that’s if you’re lucky.
Tru-Fi is a different and more effective way to create an audiosystem. But when you focus on brands we use and think I did not find these products were that special, you are probable right.

A Monitor Audio loudspeaker in any trial and error shop is not the same product as it is in a Tru-Fi system. Based on the fact that these dealers can only use a small part of all the properties these speakers own.

I have different clients who said; in the past when I auditioned Monitor Audio I was not that impressed. Or when I would not have visited you I don’t think I would have bought a Monitor Audio set.

When I test and do research I am only looking for properties. This is a level most people can never use and reach. I am aware of how difficult it is. It took my almost 20 years to be able to extract each single product.

In the price range Monitor Audio operates there is no other brand what gives me those properties I need and want that easy. Because most brands are 2D on facts. Each single 2D brand or product will never make any person excited and emotional for a long period.

People who visite me the first time are often impressed how much different any Monitor Audio loudspeaker sounds compared to any trial and error shop.

At the first few seconds you are aware that you are listening to a different level in both sound and emotion. Tru-Fi can also create a superior level of other brands. You just need the right properties.

We are Lumin dealer as well. Again we create a level with Lumin what is in it’s own league. Because we use the properties to the max. We modify the players internal. We use different tools to improve them. We modify poweramps and a lot more.

My goal is always creating a superior level in both sound quality and emotion compared to any other product for the same money. A perfectionist only wants to win and outperform.

I see both sound&vision as a game and I love it. I only want to outperfrom any other audio company in the world. This is how I create superior quality and the highest level in emotion. 

In my world there is no place for second best. That is only for born losers. For a normal person it is not possible to understand how much further I go into details. And how precise I work. It goes so far beyond your imagination.

When I see pictures of highend systems I can see many mistakes already. Because they make mistakes in things I tested why they have a limiting influence.

Thousands of tests means you want to understand as much as possible. And to improve both sound&vision over and over again. We are now talking with manufacturers to bring both sound&vision to a much higher level than where it stands now.

The inferior level of trial and error will only decrease the audio market. There is not even a discussion about this possible. Trail and error is pure blindness and having no idea to do it differently.

I talked this year to over 20 people who also work in audio for a long time. And I asked them different questions of none they could answer. They all agreed that they work by trial and error and never have no idea why the stage and sound is what they hear.

When I explained how I work they understand directly that it is a lot more precise and accurate. The people who auditioned my systems or some of my clienst understand exactly why we have no competition.

We create both sound and vision on properties. This will win in each individual situation of any trail and error system. Because all these systems have no foundation on how they have been created.

Tru-Fi can easily proof what is missing. Because this is how we work. I never met any person who said: I prefer my incomplete audiosystem.

Because each single person on this planet will prefer any system what can reveal more details and emotion. That is why I will use conservatorium students to proof that Tru-Fi is a mirror of how voices and instruments sound and are being projected into space.

We only work by facts!
What “facts” are you referring to? Your posts are devilishly hard to follow....