has anyone tried PS Audio perfect wave duo

any experience/thoughts on new PS audio perfect wave transport and dac
Hello Roger,

Thank you very much for your experiment. It provided the best assessment of PWT capabilities. The Forsell Transport is one of the best around
Thank you again

Regarding cry that it was not fair - because PWT was designed to work together via I^2 - its pure bull s...
1 - as you said if that would be the case then PS Audio should ethically to sell PWD separately as well as PW Player (i.e. P+D togeter for about $4.5k).
2 - Assuming that in PSA implementation by I^2 provides no or minimum jitter one can extrapolate that results would be better with I^2 - but by how much??? Day/Night? I doubt. Everybody who dealt with digital clocks will tell you that better clock improves sound and noticeably and that's all.
3 - I am not familiar with DACs you used in this experiment but I will assume that they are on the same level as Forsell. If so then
a)Their jitter suppression must be superb thereby futher reducing the possible difference between I^2 and S/PDIF inputs.
b) their power supplies, their analog output stages would be much, much better then relatively cheap PWD output stage and therefore sound should be much better too.
4 - This is my pure speculation and I could be wrong. If I^2 is so much superior to other methods of digital signal transmission then why only PS Audio, company with so far mediocre ("non remarkable" more polite word if you wish) products - as compare to the level of Forsell product - exclusively introduces it. Why not Wadia, Esoteric and few others - accepted leaders for decades in digital world. Must be a good reason and its not the cost, nor technical expertise nor luck of experience. I don;t know the answer but this fact bothers me a lot

Thank you Roger again. Wonderful experiment with multiple observers.
i agree Rodger. if they're gonna sell them separate and make marketing statements regarding alt set-up's...your comparison was 100% fair/valid imo.

just wasn't the camparo/information i was looking for specifically. not knowing alot about transports and dac's in general, i was hoping to see some real world comparisons with the duo against other similar set-ups.

btw...funny you mentioned the transport sound when opening/closing. that was the single biggest negative i remember from my demo.

thanks again for taking the time to report


Just got my PWD last night, and here are my initial impressions.

I have two source connections, a Sony Viao laptop (via USB) for playing a small handful of hi rez files I have and a Cullen Circuits modified Sonos (via Coax) with a 96k upsampled output for all my redbook content. Previously I was using a PS Audio DL3 with Cullen Circuits Level 3 mod. The Cullen Modded DL3 reached much deeper and was much more detailed/cleaner than the stock unit. I preferred it by a wide margin to the Benchmark DAC 1 (too analytical sounding for my tastes) and the stock Slim Devices Transporter (lacking in energy for me). I'm using Nordost power and speaker cables, Transparent Audio interconnects, ProAc 1SC speakers, and a Manley Stingray integrated.

Right out of the box, the PWD is immediately even deeper and wider than the moded DL3 - a bit of a surprise, but a welcome one. The accuracy and detail impressed me too. There were things I was hearing in some of my favorite recordings that I knew were there but wasn't hearing on the DL3. Thinks like the resonation of a drum hit or the pluck of the bass string that got muddied or covered previously was there now. of course, this was especially evident when I went to my hi rez recordings via USB.

The thing that has me the most excited - and was not something I expected - is the lack of fatigue. On first listen, it seemed more laid back than the DL3 and I was worried it wouldn't be lively enough for me. But the more I listened the more I realized it is just a higher quality sound. I listened for about 4 hours with almost no fatigue - something I could never do with the DL3. In retrospect, I think I was interpreting the brightness of the DL3 as the vivid sound I like when in fact I just lacked quality. Because I could hear more, I felt more involved with the PWD than I ever did with the DL3. Assuming that trend holds, I'll be very happy to be able to have more extended listening sessions.

I didn't mess with the filters much, preferring to just let the auto filter do it's thing. However, flipping around them I can clearly hear how someone may find a preference for one over the other to suit their tastes. One rolls off the high end a little quicker, one does a little better job of knocking down the clutter you get with a lot of instruments in the mix, and so on. I might even end up developing a preference based on the type of music I'm playing. Let's face it, I listen to acoustic jazz for different reasons than I listen to pop, prog rock, or classical. And yes, I listen to all of them.

I'm looking forward to eventually replacing my Sonos and Laptop with the Bridge when it comes out. It will probably help me eliminate the last bit of glare and hash I get from the Sonos. And I've never been able to get the AISO driver properly configured for my laptop, so I'm always wondering if I should be getting better there as well.

All things considered, I'm extremely happy with my first few hours. Talk to me in a month and hopefully I'm still giddy.
who's crying Rafael??. the only times i saw the word "fair" were in rodger's and your post??. i certainly didn't use it or even imply it. sounds like you got a little chip on your shoulder Rafael. it appears you have found the comparison results you were hoping for =)

if you really want to use word "fair" and or "unfair"...that's fine. while the reference set-up in this comparison was configured as recommended or near optimally, the PWT was not. i didn't/won't use the word unfair but will say it was not a *good* comparison if one hopes to find out what the PWT/PWD can do. other then that....i had no problem with the comparison. what i do have a problem with is you saying me or anybody else is crying here. talk about BS!
Roger; does anyone have experience connecting the PST transport via hdmi into the new Meridian 621 switcher; which claims to have its new aphodizing filter incorporated; then running that back out into a digital Meridian processor. PS Audio's web page states that their hdmi interface is proprietary; and may only work on their DAC unit for optimal sound...
I am using a G-98 into the 621 switcher via hdmi; and noticed a nice improvement; but want to soon audition the PST; and want to figure out best way of incorporating it...hard to use external dacs with Meridian gear; as their processors convert most all signals back to digital anyway...thanks.