I wanted to drop a brief note to update – but then this note sort of morphed into more.
After speaking with customers over the last few days I was urged to share with this thread more details as to exactly what has been going on.
Taking another risk here – but I can share with all of you that my health had really gone south over this three-month period. Getting Emerald Physics moved and Core Power – in addition to my own home was just too much for me.
I suffered two Hemiplegic Migraines that really knocked me out. This is addition to what I’ve already been dealing with – and then bleeding horribly from an unmentionable place and life has been rotten. I’ve spent more time in my local Urgent Care and my two Doctors offices that has really been the pivot-point as what has kept me away from all of you – and this place.
The phone voice mail is now working perfectly (no more Google Voice) – good news there… Call me – glad to hear voices… 720.317.9141
We STILL have not moved into our final spot. Living out of three cars and an Extended Stay America hotel room for these last three weeks or so – not bad… but not “normal” either…
We ARE shipping daily again and we will continue to plow through this back-log – those affected will be receiving a very nice note from me with my own way of saying I’m so sorry.
Lynn is building out in our temporarily rented build space and we are gaining momentum again. Units are leaving daily – this is a GREAT feeling for us. I want to let you folks know we were slowed when our first choice for a build out spot could not handle the rigors of our burn in rack… We had to move out – and find another place – we are in that one now.
We can never really thank all of you enough for your kindness and patience. I’m trying hard to keep this note short and to the point as this thread belongs to all of you – not me. I know that it’s hard to fathom how much has happened to me (and to us) … but we are here today standing strong and doing well.
Stay close to me if you have any questions…
I can finally travel to LA next week to launch out DEEP CORE – yay!
To our Jewish Friends – Happy Holidays…
Thank you so much