In my opinion people with all these huge power amps and 3-4 way speakers with active crossovers will never understand sound preferences of the opposite "school" of low power amps and super efficient full range drivers without crossovers. And vice versa!
No matter which brand btw. This is one of the reason the cartridge preferences will be different for these different group of people with completely different preferences in sound. Nothing wrong about it.
The system with just 2 watts Yamamoto A-8s handmade SET amp (or low power solid state First Watt amp) with high efficient speakers can be much better than all these huge low efficient speakers with many drivers and those huge superpower overpriced 500w monoblocks.
Low power amps and high efficient speakers in a moderate or small well treated room is all we need, especially if the budget is not unlimited.
Beside the main system with ZU Druid i was very impressed even by a very small vintage professional
Tannoy studio monitors from the 80's which i bought last summer. So i can understand the sound preferences of the Tannoy fans. I can only imagine how their bigger speakers sounds like.
I strongly doubt that "many thousands" of the very expensive higher power Pass amplifiers are sold, if you're speaking of a single model. If you take total production over the last years, maybe. Otherwise, I agree.
You can
watch interview with Nelson Pass on youtube, he explain the difference between Pass Lab and First Watt concept. Also
here about very special impossible to find transistors he's using exclusively like Static Induction Transistors (SIT). You will see rare Sony VFET, Toshiba JFET etc in his collection.
Even latest FW sells in many thousands units today via distributors. Not so long ago First Watt was available only direct from Nelson in California. The demand for his gear is much higher, almost cult status for the owners of high efficient speakers like my Zu Audio Druid and others, i use Pass Lab Aleph passive/active preamp and FW F2J power amp which is one of a few current source amp on the market in Nelson Pass opinion today.
@johnss Have the art 9, think its great, but have tried to upstage it with more expensive MC carts, but have not done so. Pretty hard to beat it unless you step up the 1000, but even then, it does not blow away the art 9. Forget LOMC carts from some of the holly grail brands (no names) the art 9 is considerably better, better tracking, better detail, more musical, better imaging....
It must be a very nice cartridge like many Audio-Technica high-tech cartridges, but when it comes to a different and more organic flavor some other cartridge can be even better, no doubt. Ever heard the Miyajima (cross-ring) MC ?