Has it all been worth it?

I recently turned 63, and I've been into all things audio since the mid 70's. In that time I've spent countless thousands of dollars chasing that damn rabbit down the hole. Solid state, vinyl, cassette, CD, tubes, big speakers, small speakers, pricy gear, cheap gear...been there, done that. Sitting here in my less than acoustically friendly office listening to a Hi-Res version of Angie by TRS this is probably the nicest stereo I've ever had. And even with my compromised hearing (bouts of tinnitus, and a stroke) I know the music sounds as good as it ever has, but yet I can't help but ask myself - has this journey all been worth it? The money, soul searching, reviews, disappointment in the review when it didn't live up to the hype, "am I missing out by not owning _____" etc. Sometimes I wish I were more like my wife who just bought a cheap shelf unit to listen to her CD's and is perfectly pleased with what she hears.

Anyone else find themself at this point sometimes?


Glad to hear of your health recovery, as that is THE most important thing we all sometimes take for granted. 

It's a great feeling to have, when listening to music, that very moment when you think something sounds the best it ever has. After all of the money and time, I'd say yes it was absolutely worth it! 

There has always been a tug of war between wants and available funds. The experience has been the gold all along...

While I have enjoyed the voyage immensely, I have reached a plateau where the quest is over.  My current system is good enough to carry me through to the end, and new enough that it should easily last however long that is. 

I really love the system I’ve built over the years. But if I were to do it all over again, I would seriously consider not going down the rabbit hole. A vintage Sansui G9000 and a pair of JBL L112s would get me 80% of the way there without having to spend the time and money that goes into continuous refinement. 

Thank you all! I have read through all the replies, and I must say it does my soul good to know others who have been afflicted by the audiophile bug have many of the same experiences. Looking back on the journey, my real regrets are thinking there was something amiss with my gear because a particular song didn't sound "right", or how I thought it should sound. Turns out there is so much about the recording/mixing/mastering and other aspects of the production process that can take a perfectly good piece of music and make it sound less than good when being reproduced. I've also been burned too many times by believing in the reviews, buying the piece of gear, and realizing it wasn't for me. One thing I'm so glad I did was to buy a cheap bass guitar & amp to toodle around with. I never got good at playing, but it gave me a new appreciation for what it takes to be a good musician. My passion was always for drums, but space & the sheer volume kept me from buying a kit.


The DAC I have I bought new (on sale) and is the most analog I have ever heard. My speakers were purchased as open box (by all accounts they were very close to new) so saved money there. My integrated amp was purchased second hand and the previous owner gave me a very generous price. I have always been a big proponent of buying used when it made sense, and that helped me save money over time. There are so many speakers I want to try in my system to see what they would bring to the mix, but cost and my limited space simply do not allow for that pursuit. Living in Minnesota I have toured the Magnepan factory. I would love to have a pair of their smaller speakers, and while I know my amp could easily drive them, my space would not allow them to be their best. 


One big regret I have is not wearing ear plugs to a live concert (The Cranberries) in a small venue years ago. Bloody tinnitus has been a bane ever since. Then about three years ago I had a "mild" stroke. I fared better than many as it didn't have a profound effect on my being. One oddity was the tinnitus largely abated. Every doctor I told along the way was fascinated by that. It effected my auditory center too, and there are times when I'm listening to a song I'm intimately familiar with, and it sounds completely...unfamiliar. Strange, but I still find I enjoy listening to music, and as others have said, that's really what it's all about.