I haven't sold hardly anything in a month, is anyone else having that problem,or is it me........autospec
My ad is now at almost 4000 views the most Ive ever had on an ad here since i joined almost 15 yeas ago - so there clearly is action going on on this site - however no buyers yet.

Good Listening


An Audiogon buyer may not be exactly a Stereophile reader, but there must be some similarity. For whatever it is worth, 71% of Stereophile readers are planning to purchase audio equipment within next 12 months. They are planning to spend an average of $2400 on those purchases. $2400 really does not get you very far on Audiogon listings. No wonder sales are slow.


pbn Peter said... "My ad is now at almost 4000 views the most I've ever had on an ad here since i joined almost 15 years ago"  

I would say viewers of your ad are attracted to the naked woman photo more so than the preamps listed...
The new listing format if FUBAR!  There is little distinction between a plain Jane Ad and one that a seller pays for all the frills...So for that reason I'm out.  Not to mention the search engine they incorporated is ridiculous...That little faded out picture is childish and sophomoric.   I tried to find GoldenEar Speakers and ended up in Golden records.  And last but not least I recently sold an item to someone who clearly damaged it during set up (Fully packed and insured by FedEx) and AGon decided to give him a 100% refund (based on his good faith word) and DID NOT REQUIRE him to send them back...Soooo he gets free speakers and a 100% refund.  I know that part is a tad off topic but the reason I brought it up is I buy more then I sell here on AGon and I am not doing either right now because of the above mentioned issues. 

Yes certainly the lovely ladies with the cover art from Pink Floyds Albums painted on their backs are great attention getters.  In this thread a few people has asked to buy the picture which I have framed hanging above my turntables.  As mention this is readily available as a raw poster here


There is also a article about how this painting came to be here 


I do think the price used as an attention getter too - has impact on the number of clicks the ad has garnered - however so far no-one has offered a reasonable price for any of the preamps.  Im running a similar type ad for a CDTransport/DAC combo with a MSRP of $16K this one has not received as many clicks - possibly because of the Artwork used as the attention getter and also I believe Transports are clearly out of favor these days as most people stream.    This ad has received 3 offers so far one for $450, which was possibly just to be a smart ass back at me, one for $1000 and then one that was half serious at $3000 which is half of what I'd be willing to let it go for.  

Good Listening
