Have opportunity to buy BHK 300's or Pass Labs 250.8 for my Thiel 3.7's- thoughts??

I think I will take the plunge on one of two as they are within my budget.
Pass amps are in their third generation, designated "point 8," so the stereophile review of the "XA-160" is fairly dated.   Here is a more recent, direct comparison of the Pass XA160.8 and PS Audio BHK 300's by Tony Cordesman:  http://www.theabsolutesound.com/articles/ps-audio-bhk-signature-300-mono-power-amplifier/
Spoiler alert: he keeps the BHK's as a second reference. (Must be nice).
Note the Pass X- series operate for the first few watts in class A and then transition to class A-B.  The "XA" amps are single-ended class A throughout their rated operating range.  The two designs have different - but still excellent - sounds (the X series being a bit more "punchy" and the XA's more "tube-like").  If you poke around on the Pass website, there is a technical paper by Nelson where he mentions how customer preferences for the sound of his designs relate to residual distortion products.  Fascinating stuff.

You have a tough choice.  King and Pass are both legendary designers.  Gotta listen for yourself.

Thank you everyone.  Believe it or not BOTH deals fell through one of which was as a result of an unreliable seller- but so be it,

If I may, do you have any thoughts about Quicksilver V4 mono's?   I have always wanted to try tubes with the Thiels.   I will probably contact Mike Sanders in the morning.  

@Unsound- I generally do not listen very loud although sometimes I do crank the music up (80db or so would be my guess for an upper limit) and I sit some 10 feet away from the speakers.
^It’s not always about ultimate volume but rather about operating in the realm of the load of the particular speaker.
@pgastone IMO some of the best tube monos for the 3.7s are the VAC Signature 200iQ.http://www.vac-amps.com/productPages/Signature200.html
I don't know if that's within your budget ?
it would be a very far stretch- used single units range around $4k (give or take $200)- and there’s the matter of finding 2 of similar age and tube usage.
I was originally looking to spend some $5k for solid state- i realize tubes would be more but 8 really do not want to go much beyong $6k.

Quicksilvers  V4’s have a very good reputation - i know of several audiogoners that swear by them- and are hand wired for much less (mono’s) but of course the transformers are key.