Have thiel 3.6's. Will mcintosh ma6600 work?

My Thiels sit in high ceiling open room. But have not been connected up and played for at least 8 years. Partially due to waiting to get enough cash together to do them justice. Recently considered that the mcintosh integrated mc6700 amp might work. The integration, I think would be an upgrade of my preamp adcom GFP 565? The Amps are 200wpc, so concerned that the wattage won't give me the detail and sound I have waited all these years to hear. Will these macs disappoint the requirements of this needy speaker?
^I completely agree!
I've been tempted too, but then I remember the cost of amplifying those 5's!
I have given in to the temptation of a well priced CS5, but fortunately had already purchased a Krell FPB 300, which powers them nicely! Thiel at one time had a pair of CS5i's with an FPB 600 in their factory showroom, so I will most likely move up to a 600 when the time is right. Krell all the way for Thiels. My 2.4's competely opened up with the FPB 300..
Ii don't believe anyone has mentioned this.
The Mac's power is rated into 4 ohms, not really an industry standard. Most are rated into 8 ohms. So, the impedance of the 3.6's drops below 2 ohms as I recall, though it's been years since I have recalled this.
I would NOT use a Mac. Go for an amp that truly doubles into 4 ohms. An amp that's smooth in the upper and has loads of current. As the resistance drops, the current needs go up quickly.
Research and call some THIEL Dealers. They'll be very helpful!
I had CS7s for awhile and the impedance curves are very similar to the 3.6. A Bryston 4BST was simply not enough power at low impedance and I easily tripped the protection a couple of times. Only a Krell 400cx that I eventually got was sufficient t to drive these. Having said the above I am greatly enjoying 2.4s being wonderfully and adequately driven by a Manley Stringray II integrated. The only way to know would be to connect the Mac to the 3.6s.