Thanks all. I’m looking forward to it. It’s the costliest amp I’ve splurged on so far and although I have high expectations for it to outperform my current Luxman L-590AXII, I’m keeping them low to avoid disappointment. I’m fairly certain I would not be left disappointed, judging from all positive reviews and comments that have been made so far.
Give it some time to warm up/burn in. If it hasn't been used for a while it should sound better after a few dozens of hours or perhaps even after a few hours, hard to know in advance. What power cord do you intend to use with it ?
I am really happy with my Gryphon 120 - I've had (and have listened to) quite a few respected integrated amps, but I haven't listened to the 300.
It sounds as good as it gets in my tiny listening room, hooked up to Harbeth Super HL5plus XD - I listen mainly to vinyl, and the phono module is also exceptional.
Give it some time to warm up/burn in. If it hasn’t been used for a while it should sound better after a few dozens of hours or perhaps even after a few hours, hard to know in advance. What power cord do you intend to use with it ?
I would be using the Acrolink 7N-PC9700 on it. Will try Acrolink 8N-PC8100 on it too to compare. The dealer suggested to plug it in directly to the wall instead of the power conditioner, and that’s what I’m going to do.
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