Have you ever changed speakers to expereince a different "soundscape" or presentation??

Has anyone ever upgraded or changed speakers to experience a different "soundscape" or sonic presentation??

Whether right or wrong, I have always thought that different speakers CAN offer a different perspective on the music.played

Without tying this question to just sound staging and imaging,..... or planar, 'stat versus box speakers, has anyone been surprised or even stunned by listening to a familiar CD or LP, and believe it sounds different and more revealing than you ever have heard before? 


Yes, on my first audition of the Harbeth 40.2's.  They trounced by previous "favs", the Vienna Acoustics Liszt's.  Above all, in the "holographic" department.  Almost spooky in that regard.  (A large room didn't hurt...)
chasing your tail with flavors..unless you have a true ( but faded ) reference back to the origional event...this realization came in evaluating some planer ribbons vs. my trusty time and phase coherent box speakers.....( i shall keep it brand agnostic ) but I assure, both quite highly respected..indeed coveted by some....

realized in chasing my tail, needed to record the reference live event and as best I could track degredation thru the chain...

ever hear the term “ they sound like the microphone feeds “ ? I did just that....your results and conclusions may vary.....microphone choice, location, quality are immense determination into SQ....

but i still have 7-8 pair of speakers.....better grip on what they do, imperfect as I am as a scientific tool ( fool ) ha...
Yes. I'm 100% satisfied with my Sonist Concerto 4's, and one example was listening to the loss-less Radio Paradise and noticing how many songs had six to eight separate sound sources spread out across the "Soundscape" where each had its own position with air around it.  A simple song like Santana's Black Magic Woman went from being a rather blah song to a percussive spectacular.  Previous speakers were "two sources and congestion" in comparison.
I've owned MLs for decades and generally love them, but they really reveal limitations in recording quality. I recently bought some Klipsch Heresies and find a lot of classic rock is now much more fun to listen to, especially loud. I choose which speakers to use based on what and how I'm listening.