Have you heard the new VS VR4 Anniversary Edition

I'm sure it is at CES or T.H.E. show. I am looking forward to hearing about them! Are the forward firing tweeters in it different from the ones in VR4jr. Thanks
Checking the thead below titled..."Von Schweikert VR 4 jr. Worth upgrading to MKII?",I noticed Forum member Bblilikoi posts this observation....

"I just heard the VR 4 JR Anniversary at CES '08 and was very impressed. The sound seemed more lively and forward than other iterations, but I've not lived with any in the line and only heard them at shows or at a dealer's. That said, the sound was very resolving, live, and energetic without being bright or edgy. I normally prefer a more relaxed and smooth presentation, but I have to say I was impressed."
I just posted about this in another thread as well. First let me say that I love my VR4jr's (mk1)and have no plans to change / upgrade them.

Having said that, the Anniversary editions have a huge / enveloping sound stage, great detail and a wonderful spectral balance. The speakers and room seemed to disappear as soon as the music started.

Overall a step up to my VR4jr's.
The all USA assembled Anniversary is now in the same league as their larger siblings in terms of clarity and pitch definition except now you don't need a huge room like you would with a VR-4SR mk.2. It appears they are now using the same Scanspeak Revelator tweeters as those used in the original VR-7 HSEs as well as a smaller version of the Audax mid drivers used in the SRs on up to the VR-11s.

I went to show with VR-4 Mk.2s last year. The A's are a huge step forward.

What surprised me at CES was that they were running it with a ~20 watt 300B push pull (or is it parallel) from Audiospace. While I think 20 watts was enough for the Venetian suite I did hear the amps glare on some loud passages. I'm sure given a bit more juice the Jr. A's would have been even more impressive.

Too bad the new UniField line from VSA was only on static display.
Does anybody know how the $6,000 African Hazelwood VR4 Anniversary Edition compares in sound to the more expensive Piano Black VR4 Anniversary Special Edition? I'm sure that they both sound great, but I wonder how much difference there is in sound. Do they both have all of the same drivers. Thanks again!