HDTV Over The Air?

I am thinking about getting a HDTV tuner to go with my Sony "HD Ready" CRT TV. Does anyone have experience they would like to share regarding tuner brands, antenna problems, etc?


Okay, go to www.antennaweb.org to find what kind of antenna you will need. Great location and it is very useful. I have installed two HDTV antennas, one costing only $35.00 on my window sill because the tower is close and another in the Mid-West atop a roof to pull in a signal from 45 miles away. Both work well. You neet a line of sight to the tower; the signal can't go around a mountain.

The picture is fantastic and free. You will be wondering what you were missing all of these years as the signal bounced off from your house.

A word of warning. Your neighbor can get the perfect signal but yours might be bad. No reason, it just happens.
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Elizabeth, are you using a separate HD tuner (external to your TV) and if so, what kind, where did you buy it, etc. They seem to be a "rara avis" at the moment.