Headphone Amps

Hey guys,

What is your choice for the best headphone amp that you have used with the Sennheiser HD650 headphones

Hi Dan

For the Sennheisers I have I really like the Grant Fidelity DAC-09 with an upgraded Western Electric tube. I used an RCA to headphone jack adapter on the tube output section of the DAC-09.

Other people I know who have the Sennheiser HD-650 really liked them with a Schiit Asgard headphone amp.

Good luck with the search.
I use the Bada PH12 hybrid SET headphone amp with Sennheiser 600s with RCA and Sylvania 6SN7 NOS tubes, although the original Chinese tubes are quite good. Extremely good sound.
With my Senn 650's I use a Woo WA3 tubed amp w/upgraded power tube and some JJ6922's. Clear and warm tone. W/these tubes it is dead quiet as well. Excellent match with the Senn 650's I think. They also sounded quite nice with the much cheaper Fournier unit but not quite as extended in the highs.
My son uses a Darkvoice 336se and he loves it. Not sure what he's running for tubes. His cans are also Senn HD650's. I plugged my AKG702's into this amp and it was the first time they ever sounded good. Gobs of power and sounds beautiful with jazz.
Custom made Mapltree Audio. Haven't heard much about them lately but he could build pretty much an amp just to your liking.