Headphone jack adaptor question.

My preamp has an extra set of RCA outputs, and I want to use the DAC I have, rather than plugging directly into the CD player.
So, is there an adaptor that allows a standard headphone plug to go into the back of a preamplifier's RCA outputs?
ASL makes a transformer based device called, IIRC, Signature Tools, that takes a line level signal, runs it through a transformer and has headphone jacks. It is about $125, I think. Need to have a pretty high voltage pre-amp to drive it. Or take the extra pre-out and use it to drive a headphone amp as Elizabeth suggested.

(aka the "alien"-->your answer to the abduction thread was hilarious, btw!)

Thanks, I won't. I had wanted to somehow put the Dodson DAC in the chain. Right now, the only jack is on the output of the Onkyo, which is ok, but would have to be considered the system's weakest link. I own a Ramsey SHA-1 (or something like that) headphone amp, which I'd been running from the line level output on my Sony Discman. It USED to sound great to me, but with the acquisition of the Summits and the Dodson, it now sounds,...um.... less satisfactory, even with Sennheiser HD-600's. I own no suitable cassette deck either.

So NOW what do I do? I'm spoiled and want the same phenomenal sound, or at least close, from the headphones, but I'm also a cheapskate, and my wife will probably kill me (or at least give me a stern talking to) if I suggest sinking a few more grand into more "stuff."


Thanks for the tip. After looking on the Manufacturer List, I don't see ASL. Is there some information that you could help me find?

(Trying to decipher your handle, you don't work and/or live near the Everglades, do you?)

Radioshack has both a 1/4" stereo to rca and 1/8" stereo to rca adapters.