Headphone jack adaptor question.

My preamp has an extra set of RCA outputs, and I want to use the DAC I have, rather than plugging directly into the CD player.
So, is there an adaptor that allows a standard headphone plug to go into the back of a preamplifier's RCA outputs?

Thanks for the tip. After looking on the Manufacturer List, I don't see ASL. Is there some information that you could help me find?

(Trying to decipher your handle, you don't work and/or live near the Everglades, do you?)

Radioshack has both a 1/4" stereo to rca and 1/8" stereo to rca adapters.
Sfar- Close, but no cigar: that unit has speaker level inputs. The one I am talking about is this one:
Reference Tools the unit I had was defective out of the box, but was repaired. ASL in the past had some qa/qc issues, but others have said that those days are past.
And to the fine gent who asked about my moniker; you were close. I am a wetland scientist and often spend several days a week marking wetland boundaries and looking at the creepy-crawly things that live therein. But not in FL. I am snowbound in CT these days.
Thanks to all for the great ideas. Now there's another question: How can I verify that the output RCA on my preamp is really line level and not speaker level? Is there a testing device? (Excuse my ignorance here, please). Elizabeth has me thinking about exercising "caution."
Yet MORE questions for all you smart audiophiles (yes, I mean that, not being sarcastic):

Does anyone know, think, or have an opinion about whether either of the two devices recommended {{{(by Sfar and Swampwalker--thanks guys! :) }}}are better than the Ramsey SHA-1 headphone amp (this can be found at Ramsey Electronics and on ebay)?

Artizen65: Do you know whether that Radio Shack device is intended for line or speaker level outputs, and is it safe, given what Elizabeth said?

Thanks for the information! This is really great!