Headphone no cost limit.

Best full size  Headphone today  ?

Don, all I said was add it to his list. With anything this expensive, some will love it and some think it is absurd, so you and anyone else are certainly entitled to your opinion. Just as this reviewer thinks it is the best he has ever heard.


"It is not even true analog! What’s a D/A converter doing in the system?"

Looks like the D/A converter allows inputs for digital signals to its amplifier eliminating the need for an external D/A when using a digital source. What's the problem?

I hate these "what’s best" posts. Nobody has heard everything. It comes down to personal taste, and there really is no "best"!

Ok to be fair here are more opinions. FYI, you and I will never hear them! They are an unobtainable, very limited run IMO! They are for show only.


What does Sennheiser know about D/A design that others don’t?

There are much better external D/A converters to be had, IMO. It should have been left out.
I'm not a headphone aficionado however I was taken by , couldn't hardly believe it , a Chinese manufacturered preamp headphone combo by Ag Audio the HE -9 model ,.I think if I remember this is one of their flagship models . I made note of the model and later found on their site an impressive mission statement ,..It ain't Chinese junk ,.....Anyway this was paired with Audeze headphones ,their top model ? Source were Esoteric player, model ? and a Accuphase T1000 tuner ,.Very , Very impressive..

IMO the world's best headphones is the Hifiman Susvara when driven by Viva Solista speaker amp or even Aries Cerat Genus integrated.You have to experience the Susvara driven by speaker amps to know what's possible with this headphones.