First of all I am NOT changing out my system. My integrated suffered a catastrophic failure.
I posed the question to help flavor my next purchase of an amp. I am not at the stage for aids as yet or so told to me or I should say unless i am immersed in certain situations such as a crowded restaurant, but I am interested in terms of what possible alterations of my previous sound tastes, may have occurred with these new to me findings.
To wit: I used to feel the highly articulated, detailed sq of certain amps as "sterile". Is that still in evidence I ask myself? Unfortunately, the jaunt to the next audio salon that used to be an hour ride round trip, has now turned into a 6 hour journey so I would have liked at least a "clue" (before I venture into this realm) as to what effects in personal preferences may have occurred for others.
I appreciate all the suggestions and agree with many of the premises. I know what I ask is rather a "drill down" that may be too specific. But it has caused me to wonder, nonetheless, of what others have experienced in this regard that may have altered their own sound appreciations.
So here is what i’ve learned so far: 1. I should consider an amp w tone controls. 2. Unfortunately, there is not much to do with the room. I live in a log home with wooden walls, carpet and drapery. 3. There may be minimal difference and i should hear a bunch. 4. There are differences attributed to acquired hearing aids. 5. Do not take two cross country trips on motorcycles without hearing protection beyond what a padded helmet provides.
I guess it will be interesting to discover what I disdained before, becomes more appreciable to me now.