Thank you all so much for the encouragement and sympathy. I needed a place to cry about my hifi and records when everyone around me has lost so much, and this felt like a good place for it haha
@nonoise Very helpful to have all those programs listed on one page with explanations. I'm getting so much piecemeal information, having everything in one place, with the limits of the help, is honestly very helpful.
@amitynick This is so good to hear. It's exactly the fight I'm preparing for. I think I'll be able to easily hit my personal property limit, so at least there's that.
@jsal3689 Same here, Louisiana native. Have always been blessed going through hurricanes Andrew, Isadore, Katrina... this is the first time a natural disaster has put me out. What I saw as I left my house was truly a fire hurricane... unbelievable.
@fbgbill One good thing is that my entire collection is meticulously catalogued on Discogs. I don't have receipts/photos of everything, but I do for a lot of it. Hoping it helps...