Hegel Design Flaw?

I recently had an unfortunate experience with a Hegel H20 power amp. And I know of someone who had a problem with a Hegel integrated a couple of years ago. This leads me to believe there may be a hidden design flaw with some Hegel products. Has anyone else had problems with Hegel?

With my system, SQ and transparency improved a lot with the S-30. I can think of 2 possibilities here -- the driver tubes and system synergy. It took me months to find the best tubes for the S-30. And it has taken years to optimize the S-30 with cables, tweaks and accessories. So, the reason for this happening in your case may not be apparent.
With my system, SQ and transparency improved a lot with the S-30. I can think of 2 possibilities here -- the driver tubes and system synergy. It took me months to find the best tubes for the S-30. And it has taken years to optimize the S-30 with cables, tweaks and accessories. So, the reason for this happening in your case may not be apparent.
Do you know what OTL stands for? Output transformerLESS. From my novice understanding is removing the transformer will improves the SQ, transparency, linearity ...

The reason your system sounds better with Zero-Autotransformer is you bought the wrong size amp. But if you get improved SQ and transparency by adding a Zero-Autotransformer to an OTL, who am I to argue.

I take back what I said earlier, there's no hope for you after all.

I believe you may be confused about what the Zeros are all about vis a vis OTL amps.
I notice a lot of Hegel products are up for sale lately -- no mention of a design flaw. Who would mention a design flaw when trying to sell an allegedly world-class product? Don’t expect any help at all from Hegel on this one. They will tell you there’s something wrong with your system. Your have to start with their world-class product and then rebuild your system around it. Never heard of such world-class nonsense in high end audio before -- complete with verbal abuse from the top people in this world-class audio company. My opinion is that you are entering the audio casino when you purchase Hegel. Maybe everything with be just fine -- but maybe not.