HELP... 2 yr. old pushed in the dust cover

I tried the vacuum-cleaner suction trick, in 2 or 3 differant iterations, but the suction is inadequate to pull out the center convex dustcover part of the 6" Dynaudio driver. I tried taking the driver out, but the affected part of the driver is not acessable from the back. Thinking of trying duct tape, then carefully removing any adhesive residue with appropriate solvent. I'm hoping someone has an easy fix for this!
I had that problem a while back. I was able to pull the center out by using a product like BLUE TACK, which is a tacky/sticky clay like substance. I stuck some of the Blue Tack to the dust cover and I was able to reshape the dust cover, by pulling on the Blue Tack; I had to do this process several times. Good Luck.
Scotch Tape works fine. You may want to reduce its tackiness by first applying it to a clean hard surface. Do not attempt to use any solvent to remove the adhesive from the driver. It is better left there as the risk of damaging the driver is always present
You can get the breast pump(for breast-feeding women) and suck the bow outside no residue will be left if you succeed.
The duct tape worked. Interestingly, given the stiffness of the driver material, it only worked when done with a quick (but tentative) yank. Pulling slowly just pulled the tape off. No visible adhesive residue. No apparent ill affects to my cherished cones. Thank you all very much for your input.