Help: Anthem STR dac vs Bryston BDA-1 and others - sounds the same to me

I wanted to go ahead and throw this out there, I know there will be differing opinions but here’s my experience THUS FAR... I cannot hear one shred of difference between the internal DAC of my Anthem STR preamp vs my Bryston BDA-1. Are you surprised?

I’ve listened back and forth on two sets of speakers and test tracks via Qubuz with Roon - speakers are Klipschorns and KEF Reference 5.
I know the Bryston is older so perhaps that has something to do with it. OR, do we often overemphasize what we THINK we hear when we say a DAC sounds so much better than another?
I no longer have the Lumin T2 but I think I remember it sounding better but now I can’t be sure of what I was hearing. I do believe in hearing bias but I would expect to hear something more drastic.. Or are my ears just shot? I don’t think so - but who knows.
Is the DAC in the Anthem just that spectacular?

I’m asking because I’m thinking about adding a Denafrips Potus for fun.
Anyone else have the Anthem and think its DAC is on par with other reasonably priced external dacs?

The STR Preamp is supposed to be a flagship of sorts for Anthem. I have one and like it a lot. The DAC pleases my ears more than the one in my previous DAC-preamp, a Classé CP-800. Other DACs I’ve tried in this system include the Auralic Vega and Benchmark DAC3.

What sets the Anthem apart from Bryston or Benchmark units is its ability to drive one or two subwoofers, crossed over digitally, and to set parameters for those crossovers that result in outstanding blend between mains and subs. Also, its ARC auto-EQ offers a great deal of control and works well for evening out bass in problematic rooms.

The proliferation of ever-increasingly expensive DACs is a clever marketing ploy to get the insecure and gullible to spend more money!
The Audio Critic did a comparison between a Sony Discman and the first Theta DAC (designed by Mike Moffat). Electronics were by Boulder and speakers were Quad 63's. The result? No difference! Today's situation remains the same! Read my above post!