Help- audiophile husband just dies

Help- audiophile husband just died 

Can anyone recommend a person in the Philadelphia area to come look at my deceased husbands audio collection. Tune amps, headphones, gold cables ... I need to sell and want decent advice. Please email
I don’t really know how to use this forum so email best if ya have any advice. Thank you! Julie

Is there anyone in her vicinity that could give Julie a hand?

She's got enough to deal with; her late husband's equipment should be the last thing on her plate, but something that could ensure some financial stability in the future.
@julierae100  Sorry for your loss. If we can help in anyway, send me an email to, attention: Tammy 

A very good friend of mine who has done this kind of thing before stopped by Julies house today and made a list of all the gear. He will be researching prices for her and she can decide what she wants to do.
I was just happy to be able to put these two folks together and my friend is very trustworthy, hence the desire to have him get involved before some vultures sweep in.
