help building a new system on a budget...

i want to move on from my "16-year-old-this-is-supposed-to-be-good-and-it's-cheap" system and need some help. i'm looking to go tube -- do i need both preamp and amp, or just an amp? i also want an older pair of floor-standing speakers. my budget is limited (around 600 or 700 would be nice). i basically want something that sounds a little warmer and more real than what i have now, and that will be equally at home w/ records and cd's playing rock, jazz and classical. my room is small (roughly 18 x 12) and has hard wood floors w/ an area rug (if this makes any difference). if you have any suggestions, please shout 'em out. thanks.
Second the Jolida 1301. Rarely found used. Mites are great, own a pair. Cheap Toshiba DVD/CD player mated with DAC works. Used Assemblage 1.0 or Adcom 600 $125

Jolida 250
Mites 300
Toshiba 50
DAC 125
Cables/IC 50
(Signal C.)
Sp. stands 50

Going w/tubes does not necessarry mean you're going to get the sound you want. Some inexpensive 70-80's Solid state equipment (Rec./Int. Amps) sound great and has pretty decent phone stages as well. The finest inexpensive spk. that I've ever heard in my system is the small Tannoy Mercury MX-1M Monitor. The newer Fusion 1 is good as well but not as nearly as good the MX-1M. (I've listened the the "Mites" and was not impressed w/their sound. But, the whole name of the game is matching components which work well w/each other and the room!) A good sounding amp and source equipment will make any spk. sound better. As far as spks. go, generally a soft dome tweeter will provide a warmer sound. If you go w/a small bookshelf spk., good stands will be needed and they will be needed to be filled to make them more stable. Considering the size of your room, 5 to 6 1/2 woofer should be the enough for good bass. Good Luck!
Jolida JD202
Spendor S6 or S8

Don't skimp on the speaker. Upgrade one component at a time and you will come out much better in the end.

Good luck!
thanks for the input so far. the jolida looks pretty nice, i think i might try it out. although i read a few reviews of the totem mites that said they are rather transparent, which i don't think i want. i'd rather something with a little more warmth. how do you guys feel about old advents? other suggestions?
I agree with the Jolida, for a cd player you may find a Marantz CD-63se of a CD-67se for a good price. Speakers you may consider a used pair of B & W 805 matrix.