Help Inherited Sonus Faber Speakers

Sorry if this is the wrong place for this post but my boss gifted me two (2) Sonus Faber Grand Piano Home 6 ohms speakers. I don't have any use for them and would love to sell them and put the money towards my family. They are used but practically blemish free and were always taken well care of by my boss.

Any idea what these would be worth? How much should I ask for them? What's the best way to sell them?

Thank you for any advice or suggestions!

Southern California
The new retail price I found online was between $3250 and $3500. These are now about 15 years old.

Usually used speakers resell for around 40%-50% of their retail value. Of course, there are exceptions, but IMHO, these fall into that usual category.

I you don't have the shipping boxes, then a local sale will probably be all you could do.

I would ask around $1500 and go down from there. These got really good reviews and do sound quite nice, if they are in decent shape.

Good luck!
They are good speakers. You can get a decent idea of their value by buying a one time access to the blue book on this web site.
I just checked E-Bay and two pair have sold recently at $1500 and $1600. There is a pair right now on auction that are up to $1200 with just a short time to go.
Search ebay on SOLD ones. You'll find plenty. Than sell locally over the craigslist. Local sale is always encouraged especially if there's no original boxes.
Introduced in about 2001 at $3,250 a pair. Price went up to $3,500 over time. Tweeter and Magnolia (the original stores, not the Magnolia in Best Buy) both sold the line back then. The Home series was replaced by the Domus series in 2005/2006. Be sure to specify the Home series to avoid confusion. $1,500 is a fair price. Nice gift.