Help KEF 104/2 what amp do I need to drive them?

I recently picked up a pair of KEF 104/2's at a local sale. I have had these hooked up to a new yamaha receiver (around 100 watts)and they sound pretty decent. However, from the little information I have been able to find on these speakers it seems that they are rather picky and like a strong amp. I am trying to find an amp that will drive these to their full potential. Does anyone have any recomendations or past experience?

I am looking to spend no more than $500 on the amp right now and I am hoping to buy used. I have seen several 125 watt B&K amps online. I was also thinking about a used NAD amp. Can someone please help me out?


I have never heard B&K amps so cannot help you there, but, yes I am familiar with Adcom, I never liked them personally even though I have heard them in different setups as well as having different power ratings. For the amount of money one pays to buy Adcom there is always better ones available for the same price.

I hope it helps.
I have been using a Leak Stereo 20 with my 104/2 for the last 5 years and can not believe how synergistic the pair is.
Has anyone ever used a tube amplifier to drive KEF 104/2 speakers? If so what did you use? I'm just curious. I'm thinking I may try a Jolida JD-502P with a quad of Tung Sol KT-120 tubes in place of the 6550 tubes it comes with. Preamp would be an Accuphase C-200.
I had some KEF 104.2's in the garage, planning to give away. So to test them, I hooked them up to an VAC Avatar integrated (EL34 tubes) running in triode mode,(27 wpc) and it sounded so good that it replaced what I had, and is still producing endorphins.
I've been using a Dared 300b tube amp set for years, with great results. These are very affordable. Efficient speakers.