Help me build up a jazz album collection. Can you suggest a must have album?

Just got back into analog after not having a turntable for 38 years. That was a Thorens TD 320. Now I have a VPI. Building a jazz album collection now since jazz seems to be what I enjoy now. I have barely 12 albums from Miles Davis, Art Blakey, King Curtis, Ray Charles, John Coltrane, Ike Quebec and Illinios Jacquet. Can you suggest a must have album? I generally like great sax, and percussion and sometimes a good vocalist, but I am open to anything that sounds GREAT. Also, if there is a particular label, issue or type of album. Thanks in advance.

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Sheffield Labs - great D2D label - Harry James big band, among others

Jazz at the Pawnshop - old album, great music and sound


Gary Moore, fine guitar player with unique style. Very emotional, very open.

For Bill Evans, I like Waltz for Debbie even more than the Village Vanguard album which came from the same series of performances.  Also, his Portrait in Jazz.

I concur otherwise with many of the above suggestions.  But an omission is Herbie Hancock--get a greatest hits anthology or Maiden Voyage and (if you like electric funk-jazz) Chameleon.

Paul Desmond is my favorite alto-sax player.  His albums with guitarist Jim Hall are wonderful, although one of them had some string arrangements I could do without. Easy Living is one of their better albums.

Anything by Charnett Moffett. My favorite is The Art of Improvisation. He is a great stand-up bassist and musician. I first saw him with Stanley Jordan and have followed him ever since.