Help me choose a speaker match for my Line Magnetic 805ia tube amp under $10K

Since all of you were such a huge help in getting me to arrive at my decision to get the Line Magnetic 805ia tube integrated, I thought I would start another thread to discuss speakers to consider. I do love my Ascend Acoustics but after hearing the improvement that the Line Magnetic gave my system, I am wondering now if there is a reasonably priced but a better speaker that is a better match for my system. The only criteria is that the price be equal to or less than $10k. I am looking for a speaker that is not harsh in the higher frequencies but still has enough sparkle and snap that doesn't give up anything in terms of detail. The ability to deliver some low end, dynamic punch is something that I would be looking for as well as this is the one area the Ascend's lack in currently. 

My current setup is...

Speakers: Ascend Acoustics Sierra Tower with RAAL Tweeters and Ascend Acoustics Center Speaker with RAAL Tweeter
Amp: Line Magnetic 805ia at 48W x 2
DAC: PS Audio Directstream Junior
Primary Music: Jazz and Female Vocals 

Speakers that I have considered so far include (power requirements notwithstanding):
  • Magico A3
  • Dynaudio Contour 60
  • Focal Sopra 2
  • Sonus Faber Olympica 3
Looking forward to hearing your thoughts!
There are a number of members who are driving Tekton speakers with lower watt amps. I myself did so with the Pass XA30.8 and soon will try a 2A3 amp.

I know of two other SE owners who are using 10 and 8 watt amps to great satisfaction. There are others as well.
With my Ascend’s, they are being powered by the 805’s with no issues. I rarely go above the 9 o clock mark in volume. I don’t play at anywhere near concert levels. I haven’t heard the A3’s with my LM but I am curious about them. The shop seems to think there is no problem with the LM and its power specs being able to drive the A3’s.

If you do not play loud you can consider above.

It is smaller model than mine but you can experience pristine treble out of plasma tweeter.

Jazz vocal with LM 805 will be fantastic.

I can not find review of Lansche 3.

Thus I will put a link of review of 4.1 to give you more information about plasma tweeter and it's mid range driver.

Also it has a beautiful finish with good WAF.
For the past few years I've been listening to many products from Line Magnetic through many different sets of speakers. And although these amplifiers are versatile enough to drive almost everything, they always sound better paired with high efficiency speakers.
 I owned the big LM219ia and it was connected to Zu Audio Omen Def most of the time. Other good matches that I experienced (my own and at friends and dealers places) were with Omega speakers, Audio Note, Reference 3A, ATC, Tannoy and DeVore. But the brand I've seen more times associated with Line Magnetic amplifiers is Zu Audio. 
So still a lot of choices out there but these are the ones that interest me most at this time: 

  • Magico A3 - Demo'd
  • Salk Soundscape 8 - Have not demo'd but am familiar with the RAAL tweeters from my Ascend's
  • Joseph Audio Perspective - Have not demo'd
  • Proac D48R - Have not demo'd
  • Devore Super 9 - Have not demo'd

Problem is, most of these speakers are not available for demo anywhere in Seattle where I am. 

The ones that I have taken off the interest list are: 

  • Focal Sopra 2 - Focal's forwardness and the reproduction of highs does present to me as being a little harsh. Not what I would want in a $10k speaker. 
  • Tekton Encore - Not the most appealing speaker visually (for me) and it is enormous. A small sample of bad reviews of customer service also turned me away. 
  • Dynaudio Contour 60 - Would still love to listen to these but have heard that they are power hungry and my amp may not be a good match there. 
  • Sonus Faber Olympica 3 - During a demo, the high's of a particular song by Jocelyn Brown - Somebody Else's Guy was a bit harsh. I don't get that from my current Ascend's.