Prices are just ludicrous, i can get the tubes this guy is selling for 400$ each for 80$.
Idk how audiophiles can get a long with that. It's a tube, shouldn't costs more than 40$ realistically.
There is no engineering or manufacturing costs involved, don't even take up a lot of storage space.
I don't have a CCa, i have a normal E88CC.
I'll go with a Reflector and maybe a Siemens aswell if i can find one that doesn't cost an arm and a leg.
And maybe a french Mazda aswell.
Has anyone had experience with the Tungsram E88CC and italian tubes?
Idk how audiophiles can get a long with that. It's a tube, shouldn't costs more than 40$ realistically.
There is no engineering or manufacturing costs involved, don't even take up a lot of storage space.
I don't have a CCa, i have a normal E88CC.
I'll go with a Reflector and maybe a Siemens aswell if i can find one that doesn't cost an arm and a leg.
And maybe a french Mazda aswell.
Has anyone had experience with the Tungsram E88CC and italian tubes?