rodman999994,221 posts02-29-2020 6:52amAnother, "btw": It’s important, when reading tube comparisons, to pay close attention to the descriptions of the tube construction and dates of manufacture. The presentations can vary(dramatically), between iterations/years, even of the same designation(ie: grey plate vs silver plate CCa). Keep in mind; the really good sounding Reflektor 6N23p tubes, were from a very narrow production run. It’s been my experience; they’re rare, in the extreme.The production run you speak is the whole of the year 1975. Both silver and grey shields were produced. The silver shields are generally considered superior though some might find the grey shields which have a bit less detail retrieval but a more liquid and musical presentation more to their tastes.
1974 is considered a very good year for the Reflektor 6n23p as well, with the silver and grey shields having the same general differences between them as 1975.