help me remove noise from my vinyl setup

hi all,

i have a low-output vinyl setup, and the noise hovers around -60 dB. i would like it to be lower. can you let me know where the problem might lie and suggest solutions?

i have a Technics SL-1200 (M3D) that i got from KAB, with most of the upgrades... fluid damped tonearm, Cardas tonearm wires, strobe light disabled, and the external power supply/conditioner. i have the low-output Grado Sonata1 (statement series) and Cardas headshell wires. i have Grado's prestige interconnect cables between the turntable and a Grado PH-1 phono stage. finally, i have a Blue Jeans MSA-1 cable between the PH-1 and an ASUS Xonar DX sound card in my computer.

here's a recording of the noise:

there is also a slight popping/crackling noise, can you hear it?

i borrowed a Furman PL-8 Series II power conditioner from a friend, and tried plugging the PH-1 into that. i also tried plugging the turntable power supply into it. didn't help any.

many thanks.
i have heard from someone else that "The Sonata has an output of 47k ohms and any SUT will also add reflected impedance. The Sonata can only be used with a Head Amp. No SUT will work with it."

what should i buy?
Scar, the Sonata has an impedance much lower than that.

The Jensen JT-44K-DX will likely do the job quite well. see
i heard back from Grado that the cartridge "has .4 mv output and an output impedance of 47K."

from the very limited knowledge i've so far picked up, it seems that a SUT wouldn't work with that impedance....
The Grados have a pretty sketchy reputation of excess noise or hum with many tone arms and setups in general. If you can get it right they are suppose to be really good for the money, but if your getting noise from a grado its supposedly very hard to go the other direction from my understanding. I own that table, with KAB everything as well, its dead silent.

I have owned grado, had them in the past and they were noisier, however never heard them on this table. I would borrow another cart first and see what it does electrically being hooked up into the signal first, you don't even have to set it up, just mount another cart to a new headshell and mount it to the arm connect the headshell wires. See if the noise is gone then its the grado having an issue, load, acoustic arm resonance whatever.

By the way I currently have a .4 mV moving coil myself on that table combo, works silent, so its nothting to do with low output specifically, but possibly that cart. directly.

Good luck