Help needed regarding purchase of Amp Stands.

I've stuck my toe into the world of Monoblocks, and because my current shelving dictates the amps will "live" on the floor I need to buy a pair of amp stands.

Can the forum please share it's knowledge re what to look for in a pair of quality stands. Brand recommendations welcome, too. Thanks.
I have been using Finite Elemente Pagode Master Reference amp stands with excellent results.

Those, with GPA, SRA and Critical Mass are the top tier in amp stands.
Personally, I love the low profile nature of the Sistrum stands. They sit very discretely underneath my amps without adding too much visual impact.
Thank you for your recommendations. With them in hand I did a little research/looking and have decided to try the Sistrum stands.

I think that they'll fit well in my current set-up and I'm looking forward (expectantly) to enjoying the sonic benefits of the principles behind the design of these stands.

BTW, I had the opportunity to speak with Robert, the owner of Star Sound, after I had made my purchase with one of his resellers. Nice guy, and quietly passionate about his work.

Again, thank you for your recommendations.

I ordered a pair of the SP-004 for a pair of Arcam P1's. I should have the stands by this weekend.