Hi, I agree with all the above comments. To give you a background I have experience using different kinds of accessories including brass cones, Black Diamond Racing, Sorbothane, vibrapods and spikes for speakers. Having reviewed the articles above and extensive surfing I can conclude that a lot depends on your own equipment and there are a lot of misleading claims out there.
However I do believe that Black Diamond Racing, air isolation (Townshend, Vibraplane & Brightstar) and a new product called the Vistek MIB are the most effective.
Let me elaborate on the last. There are at present four reviews concerning the above and three of them are found in www.mediaaccess.com. The last is found as a sidetopic in Robert Deutsch review of the Wavelength amp in Stereophile May 2001. If you read into each review with a critical eye
all of them are enthusiastic about these items. I think most reviews to some extend are not objective to avoid offending manufacturers. However read the above articles and see whether you can detect the reviewers geniune praise
and the sound scientific basis of these accessories.
As for me I am convinced. The netsite also compared MIB's with an air isolation platform. Have fun!
However I do believe that Black Diamond Racing, air isolation (Townshend, Vibraplane & Brightstar) and a new product called the Vistek MIB are the most effective.
Let me elaborate on the last. There are at present four reviews concerning the above and three of them are found in www.mediaaccess.com. The last is found as a sidetopic in Robert Deutsch review of the Wavelength amp in Stereophile May 2001. If you read into each review with a critical eye
all of them are enthusiastic about these items. I think most reviews to some extend are not objective to avoid offending manufacturers. However read the above articles and see whether you can detect the reviewers geniune praise
and the sound scientific basis of these accessories.
As for me I am convinced. The netsite also compared MIB's with an air isolation platform. Have fun!