Help Picking a turntable

Hi Everyone,

Rod at my local store here where I buy my gear (unless I buy here at Audiogon) was at my house doing a master set for my speakers (they sound much better) and he suggested I consider getting a turntable and switching to records from cds to get better sound.  I am considering his suggestion but my biggest problem is that I don't know anything about turntables.  Rod recommended a turntable package from EAT that includes the arm, cartridge etc. for about $6,500, which is more than I want to spend.  He said he would look into turntables that are a bit less that would still sound good but I thought I would also check with everyone here to see if anyone had ideas also that I could discuss with Rod when I meet with him.  I'd like to stay under $3000 for the turntable package (turntable, arm, cartridge etc.). 

My current system is: Thiel 3.7 speakers; ARC REF 75 SE amp; ARC LS-17 SE pre-amp (I will also need a phono stage which I know will be in addition to the $3,000 I am willing to spend on the turntable package); analysis plus solo crystal oval speaker wire and interconnects.  Lastly, all of my music now is played through my Simaudio 280d DSD DAC (my cd player, computer etc are all hooked into the dac directly -- no wi fi). 

I'd appreciate any advice and suggestions to help educate me before I go down to Rod's store again and listen and meet with him.  As I said, I know nothing about turntables so any advice, suggestions etc. are very welcome.  Thank you all again in advance for your responses.     
Ag insider logo xs@2xgasherbaum
Well here’s a suggestion out of left field. As it seems you’re not averse to purchasing something inexpensive to test the waters, why not something used. These are kind of rare so demand decent money but are well worth the asking price, and then some. These tables are so good you just might decide not to go any higher up the food chain.

The later top tier Kenwoods are something special, and look it too. Something like the KD770D, KD750, KD990, all are easily within budget and will leave money for a great cartridge.

No personal experience with any but the 770D, but all are similar enough I feel safe in recommending any one of them. Then there’s the legendary Kenwood L-07D, if you can find one, but most likely not within budget.

Below is a link to a picture of the 770D, I think you will like what you see. Then check vinylengine for the specs, again I think you will like what you see.

This is a big table, notice the platter compared to the rubber mat.


I upgraded my rega 3/24 to music hall mmf 9.3 combo package with goldring eroica Lx cartrige for a little over 2k based on recommendation of highly respected analog dealer here in Southern California and very happy with upgrade. you have obviously made up your mind to try a TT so all I will say as  a newbie is to pay a few bucks more to buy from a highly experienced TT dealer to set up with cartridge. you can pay thousands for set up but if not set up properly will never reach its potential. Only someone that has a lot of experience doing this will do it right. 
Hey all!  Just want to identify I'm mat from VPI and I don't want to say anythign directly about my product (unless there is a direct question) but I wanted to chime in that Oracle makes a great table and Jacques Riendeau is a true gentleman and enthusiast in the industry.  When people are just not feeling the VPI flavor Oracle is one I recommend (I have different non VPI recommendations pending upon the price point someone is interested in).

Also wanted to mentioned if anyone is going to RMAF I'll personally be there on the Thursday setup and Friday show.  Potentially doing a seminar while there and would love to meet anyone who is there :)    
@turntablemat...congrats the recent nuptials!  How is married life treating you?