Help please upgrading my old Pre/Pro..


I've been running my current system for almost 20 years and it consists of the following: It is a 5.0 system as I am not running a sub for either music/HT and I'm pretty happy with the Stratus Golds job on the bass as they go down to about 36HZ.

PSB Stratus Golds - Front Main
PSB Status C6 - Center
Niles Audio In-Walls - Rear Surround

Acurus ACT-3 Pre/Pro
Panasonic BMP-BDT 300 Blu-ray player
Aragon 8008x3 - L, R, C
Aragon 8008x2 - Rear Surrounds

Luxman 10 band Equalizer (+- 10db equalization)


While I am very happy with this setup and it does sound great for both HT and 2 channel stereo I am looking to upgrade my PRE/PRO (Acurus). MY ACT-3 was bought in 1997 and has 24 bit Crystal DACS. It does Dolby Digital and DTS but does not have the newer decoding formats. I am also looking for a unit that will provide bass/treble adjustments as I like to boost both and is the reason I am running the Luxman in line for the Front Mains (Stratus Golds). I'd like to remove the Luxman if possible if I gain the tone controls and/or 10 band EQ in the PRE/PRO.

So my wants in a new PRE/PRO come down to this:

1) hopefully a bit better sonic quality than the Acurus ACT-3
2) new surround sound decoding that HOPEFULLY a new pre/pro can down convert to my 5.0 system? Will this sound better or just about the same as my old pre/pro processing and at that point not worthwhile to upgrade?
3) be able to adjust tone/EQ to boost the bass and treble like I prefer
4) not an absolute want but gaining wifi streaming to play music off my desktop PC and Spotify would be nice (without purchasing separate unit like SONOS connect etc. to do the streaming)

Someone mentioned to check out the new Marantz AV7703 or possibly bump up to the AV8802a but I didn't think that Marantz sound quality was on the same level with say Acurus/Aragon but I may be mistaken as I haven't listened to any of the Marantz pieces?

That said, can the "sound gurus" on this fine board provide some opinions/options on my pre/pro upgrade wishes?

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Thanks Bob and Auxinput for all your additional advice feedback and commentary. Truly appreciated!!!

That said I've more or less turned my sights on Marantz. Now it's whether to get the AV7703 or the AV8802A?

Obviously the 8802a will sound better but by how much? It's going to cost me about an extra 1K to snag a new 8802a. The dealer says the 7703 has the latest audyssey, built-in HEOS, and onboard DTS:X support. He thinks that the 7703 will sound much better than my Acurus and that I will most likely be satisfied but it's a gamble buying sight unseen and not having auditioned any of the Marantz pieces.

So the question is to spend 1K more for a bit more sonic superiority, or save the 1K and gain the few added features (above). 

Tough choices....  

The AV8802a supports Dolby Atmos out of the box will support DTS:X with a free firmware upgrade.  Auro-3D is available for $199.   Since you're only running a 5 channel system, I'm not sure how important these are for you.  I'm only running 5.1 and will probably stay that way for a long time (I didn't jump on the 11 channel bandwagon -- preferring to focus on sound quality instead).  I would rather have a 5.1 system that sounds ultra realistic than an 11 channel special effects system that sounds okay.

In the end, I suppose it comes down to budget.  I would say buy the best you can afford or are willing to spend.  Since you ran your last system for 20 years, you will probably have this new processor for at least 10 more years!

Keep us informed on what you finally decide and how it works out.  Keep in mind that you should burn in the unit 100-200 hours before making final judgement (if you buy it new).

I run the Krell S-1200U 3D as a processor.  If you scroll up, I posted a big message talking about the S-1200U.  The paragraph starts with:

"Another option I will put out here is one that I went with. I just recently chose the Krell S-1200U 3D..."