Help with Cartridge selection

I am in the process of setting up my first analog system in 20+ years. I bought a Basis 2100 but before it was shipped upgraded to the 2200 Signature w/ Vector 4 tonearm.
I listen to Jazz 75% of the time then everything else.
This is my third thread.... now I need help with a mid/low priced mc cartridge. I have narrowed my list to these:

1. Lyra Delos
2. Lyra Argo i
3 Ortofon Cadenza Blue or Red
4. Dynavector 20X-H
5. Dynavector Karat 17DS
6. Benz Micro Glider S
7. Soundsmith SWWC1 or Aida (MI cart)

I have been told by one seasoned anolog vet. That the Dynavector 10X5 would hold it's own with any of these carts. Any comments or suggestion would be welcomed and appreciated!

My system:
Pass Labs Xono
Aesthetix Calypso
Pass Labs Aleph 3s (2) bi-amp.
Audio Physic Virgo IIs
Rel Storm IIIs (2)
Mixed up bunch of wires.

Thanks for your help again,
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I use a Denon 304 on my VPI Classic and a AT 33 EV on my Basis 2001 with Graham 2.2. Both are available at $400- $500 price range and are considerably better than a 10x5 in my view, although is a good cartridge in its own right.