Help with Cartridge selection

I am in the process of setting up my first analog system in 20+ years. I bought a Basis 2100 but before it was shipped upgraded to the 2200 Signature w/ Vector 4 tonearm.
I listen to Jazz 75% of the time then everything else.
This is my third thread.... now I need help with a mid/low priced mc cartridge. I have narrowed my list to these:

1. Lyra Delos
2. Lyra Argo i
3 Ortofon Cadenza Blue or Red
4. Dynavector 20X-H
5. Dynavector Karat 17DS
6. Benz Micro Glider S
7. Soundsmith SWWC1 or Aida (MI cart)

I have been told by one seasoned anolog vet. That the Dynavector 10X5 would hold it's own with any of these carts. Any comments or suggestion would be welcomed and appreciated!

My system:
Pass Labs Xono
Aesthetix Calypso
Pass Labs Aleph 3s (2) bi-amp.
Audio Physic Virgo IIs
Rel Storm IIIs (2)
Mixed up bunch of wires.

Thanks for your help again,
How do you like your music? Clean, clear with little coloration or do you prefer a little character? This might be hard to answer if you've been away from vinyl for a while. Any chance you can hear any of these in your system, or somewhere else?

If you go with the Glider I'd recommend the low output version.
Dan_Ed asked a good question. Anyone who suggests a cartridge without knowing your sonic preferences is largely just offering up their own. You might like what they like, or not.

If you were willing to base your decision on which cartridge is most popular you might ask an online retailer which one they sell the most of. Not how I'd prefer to choose, but that sort of validation is about all threads like this can offer without some discussion of your sonic (not musical) goals. You may not understand those yet yourself, as Dan noted, but this would be a useful time to begin thinking about them.

It would be helpful if people who'd heard several cartridges on your list offered sonic comparisons. That might help you choose or at least begin to find a direction that would serve the way you hear recorded sound.

Dan and Tubeo did invoke a useful rule: the low output version of any particular MC will probably outperform the high output version of the same cartridge. Your phono stage has ample gain and impedance adjustability, so there's no reason to compromise LOMC performance by choosing the HO version.
Dan_Ed I Like my system to sound as natural as possible. I love hearing the attack and decay of notes. I love detail..the sound of a sax players juicy reed, the harmonics caused by really good harmony between vocals and between instraments. I like a wide and deep sound stage, airy highs, liquid mids with tight articulated bass. Or again I like it natural!
Based on your stated preferences, I would eliminate the Soundsmith and Ortofon immediately.

In fact your tonearm, and system for that matter, deserve more than an Ortofon Cadenza.


Dealer disclaimer.