Help with CD Player

Hello fellow music lovers,

I am new to the site and need some help to find a new CD player.

I have been to many local store to listen to different player, but most are out of my price range. Most of the stores only carry the very high end products.

Looking for a musically sound but well built CD player for $1500. Please give me some suggestions.


buy a refurb sony 595 for $60 from sonystyle, listen and then send it back, or put your $1440 in the bank, and smile. This will change your audio life.
I own 2 tubed players- Raysonic 128 -highly recommended! Jolida JD 100 - I have a modded one-if you can get a modded one it's a budget-player king on the used market.

I also own the Bryston BCD-1 which is an excellent solid state player. At a 1500 budget I'd be looking for a used Raysonic.
Hi jazzpiano - my brother actually has a CEC CD player and likes it, though he prefers a brighter sound than I do - for me, the CEC stuff is too bright. I prefer the warmer sound of the Rega. Many digital recordings are more than bright enough (especially in the early days of digital recording) without your player adding to it IMO. I have not heard any tubed CD players yet, though I would be very interested to sometime. The PrimaLuna one gets very good reviews, both formal and in the forums.
I totally agree with the above posters on the Raysonic cd-128. I have had most of the mentioned players from above.
It plays well above its asking price.

If you see one on here........GRAB IT!
The Musical Fidelity I mentioned earlier is a tube output CD player. Very smooth presentation but not lacking in detail either. If you like a transparent rendering of what's on the disc, I can highly recommend. I also have the Cayin CD-17T which is a tube output player and also very good for the price which would be close to your target amount. Not quite as neutral as the MF or CEC - if you like a drop of added warmth, the Cayin is your style.