Help with high end bookshelf speakers

I need help please. Past few years I'm gone through a myriad of speakers and now my wife is relegating me to a third bedroom for a dedicated listing space. I'm trying to figure out what kind of bookshelf speakers I can use with a Hegel 390, Auralic, Denafrips DAC in an 11x12 room. Trying to decide if I need to change my whole system or find something that works with what I have.

Thanks everyone


@renosteve  -- you completely misread my question.  The "Why?" was not inquiring as to why you were asking about speakers, but rather why you failed in multiple responses to say what speakers you currently have. 

For example, if you have (and love) a horn setup in your current system and are trying to carry that forward into your new listening room, that eliminates at lot of options people have suggested. 

You mentioned KEF R3 Metas, but the way you wrote the sentence sounds like those are not your current speakers but rather an experiment you tried for the new room.

So we STILL don't know anything about your current setup and the sound you're looking for.  It's always odd when people ask for help and then withhold information. It makes one wonder...

So we STILL don't know anything about your current setup and the sound you're looking for.  It's always odd when people ask for help and then withhold information. It makes one wonder...

@mlsstl Yeah, the writing’s on the wall here.  When trying to get the most basic info to help someone is like pulling teeth I cut bait as I have here.  If others wanna spend their time throwing darts at a board blindfolded more power to them — I’ll spend my valuable time helping other people who don’t make it so hard and where it’s far less likely that I’m just wasting it.

@deep_333  , how long does it take you to compose these pearls of stupidity?  I hope you don't waste too much of your valuable time thinking this crap up.

Sorry to burst your bubble, but, a 11 by 12 closet is not hifi, it is about as lofi as it gets for a room. That Hegel isn’t hifi either. Hence, you’re just not a hifi guy anymore are a midfi/lofi kinda guy ( and such is life).

Just don’t overthink it, get whatever li’l box, put it in the 11 by 12 closet, lower all expectations and make do with it.. If you restrict your playlist to female vocals @ 60db, everything should work fine (make you feel like you’re very hifi or something).

God bless.

Have in a second system, 13x13 room, for rock and roll only, a pair of Fritz carbon 7SE mark 2's complimented by a SVS SB 3000 sub. Good electronics also. Perfect at a reasonable price. Plus Fritz is great to talk to and deal with. Will never sell mine, they sound that good. Pink Floyd, Zeppelin, AC/DC

I own X-3's...I second the X-1's @ $5500......You are buying from a company that  engineers $500,000 speakers........ 'Nuff said.