Help with Preamp Selection and Network player

Looking for tube preamp. I have the opportunity to purchase three different preamps around the same price.
-Primaluna Dialogue Premium
-Cary SLP-89l w/upgrades
-Luxman CL-38uc
Looking for opinions on sound comparisons and flexibility. Will be used in front of Parasound A21 feeding ATC SCM19's.
Also, narrowed down my choices for streamer/dac down to Cary DMS-600 and Naim NDX-2. 
These two units offer the ability to use my existing CD transport, HDD loaded w/music, Roon ready, and future NAS.
Any insight would be appreciated.

We sell Cary, Parasound, ATC, and Naim 
Perhaps we can help.

Dave and Troy
Audio Doctor NJ
Post removed 
NAIM for all the quirks will be in the digital business long after would stick w them for a fairly solid app that will only get better over time.

sort of agnostic on preamp opinions on the 3 you mention...

one advantage of the forum is the exchange of ideas and inputs FOR ALL to see and learn by....just my two opposed to advertising....
Tomic there is a lot going on with this gentleman's post hence the suggestion to have him call us  as we sell most of the brands he was inquiring about. 

The Cary SLP does he mean the SLP 98? Don't think there was an 89.

What kind of cables is he running? Musical preference?

The Parasound is warm does he want warm both the Cary and the Prima Luna would be a bit on the warm side? 

The Naim Ndx 2 is excellent it is not overly warm like most Naim gear is, rather clean  sounding, great feature set. 

Is he going with a tube preamp for soundstaging or to amelorate a perceived brightness?

The SLP 98 was a fantastic preamp very musical and not too lush. Pesonally if he does not want too much warmth then the CJ ET 3 now discountinued would be more neutral. The ATC are very well balanced and are neither dull nor bright, the amp is a bit on the warm side. 

Hence we are trying to find out what the OP is trying to create as a sonic balance.

Dave and Troy
Audio Doctor NJ

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