Help with upgrade bug...

First time posting.   I've had this fairly satisfying system for some time now and am looking at upgrading to a higher end set of speakers.  Looking for a wider, deeper stage and possibly more involving presentation.  Listen to a lot of female vocals and acoustic music -- using XRCD and SACD, primarily.   

Oppo BDP 105
Benchmark DAC3 HGC (headphone or occasional Ipod/Mac duties)
Plinius 9200 integrated
Totem Acoustic Forest
Kimber Hero/8TC and Shunyata power cords
Monster HTS3600

Room is about 15x11 feet.   8 ft ceiling.   Current speakers are along the shorter wall, about 2 feet out, 6 feet apart.   

Budget probably around $5k, give or take (used or new).   I've been somewhat partial to standmounts but would not be totally opposed to another set of floor standers.   The low end extension of my Forests are for the most part, enough for my ears with the music I listen to.   If I do get standmounts, I wouldn't be totally opposed to adding a sub later on (although integrating them would be a different discussion altogether).  

I've looked considerably at the Dynaudio Confidence C1 (Platinum), Contour 20 or Special 40 (given I've heard good things about Plinius and Dynaudio synergy).   I've also considered the Joseph Audio Pulsars.   Unfortunately, demo possibilities are limited.  


7:48am? For the OP what is driving the current 6’ apart placement???

Did you mean they should be further or closer together?  The width of the room is about 11 feet but it is my den/office, so mandatory bookshelves on either side and behind my listening position.    Furthermore, the room is rectangular but does have an alcove where the entry/door is -- the R channel Forest actually rear faces that alcove.    Overall, given these limitations, I've found this 6 ft distance, with no toe-in, the best as far as imaging/staging.  

jl352,592 posts05-29-2020 7:53amget rid of the Monster first...

Yes, I've thought about that too.   As far as future upgrades, it may happen.  

8:19amResist the urge to give extra credence to advice based on posting activity and cumulative word count.

You have excellent speakers and amplifier. 

Improving your source will offer you the most significant improvement.

Here’s what I would suggest you research: Modwright modification for Oppo 105.

Dan Wright does exceptional modifications for source components, and he has been doing it for nearly twenty years. He’s a pro. His mods make real world improvements.

I am a repeat customer of Dan’s. There’s no one better in the business, and your system would absolutely benefit by modifying your Oppo 105.

  Interesting you mentioned this.  I've heard about this upgrade but didn't think much about it before.   Based on your experience, do you think the sonic improvements would translate to a much better staging/imaging/depth overall?  

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First thirst thing I would do is replace the Monster unit with a PS Audio Stellar 3 power regenerator. PS Audio has a trial period so if you don’t like it send it back.