Here is an interesting artist that's new to me, and I wanted to share his music.

Jon Batiste is a musician Rok just introduced me to. From the first notes he played, I knew he was from Louisiana, with out knowing anything else about him.

Here's his bio

This is the tune Rok submitted;

It was one I will eagerly add to my collection. I thought I would share this with other music lovers seeking new artists.
@rok2id:  "Las Vegas is a better destination for sin city, plus it's family friendly."
I'd rather spend a year in NO than a day in Vegas.  Vive la difference.
I second rok's recommendation of Louisiana Scrapbook.  This was probably my first intro to Louisiana music. I traveled to Baton Rouge for work several times between 1987-89 and fell in love with the music and food.

Here are a couple of gems, the second being from the Louisiana Scrapbook CD.

Irma Thomas - Loving Arms - Here's a great intro to her music.  

Dirty Dozen Brass Band - Mardi Gras in New Orleans

I'll post some more when I get a chance.

Regarding the question of why musicians tend to stay around New Orleans more than other places, just a guess, but there seems to be a very strong sense of community in NOLA.  They have their own food and their own style of music (several of each actually).  Very few places can boast both.  I think this enhances the sense of community. 

***** They have their own food and their own style of music*****

I think that's the answer.  O-10 alluded to that earlier, folks being comfortable in their surroundings.  Wynton went up north, and in spite of his brilliance, he has been under attack by noise-makers ever since he got there.

One of my favorites from Louisiana Scrapbook:

I hope I didn't post this earlier.
