hi anbody have a wood record mat ?

someone has one sale  cant find out to much about it. never saw one. are they any good?  thank you.
The poor OP asked about a WOODEN record mat and so far I see not one relevant response.(Cork is not what he meant.) I’ve never seen or heard of a solid wood mat but it’s an interesting idea. Is there even a commercially made example? Perhaps the OP can say exactly what product he’s considering. If one wanted to go that way, the next endless question would be: what kind of wood? That subject alone should engender at least 100 responses.
Wood per se would almost certainly make a very poor mat due it’s tendency to warp. What’s really required is to go to the root cause - the platter - and figure out how to damp it, no? We already know how to isolate it. The platter is analogous to the CD, which also vibrates and causes errors, even when the CD player is isolated.
In response to Lew ...thank you for being supportive of my question about using a wood mat.
I actually found a 12" round wood disk that I experimented with and drilled a hole to make it usable as a mat.
The highs are better and clearer. The base is tight. 
Due to my curiosity, I wonder if anyone else experienced this.
Wood disk mat I placed on metal platter. Technics SL 1600.
I have an all wood platter (does that count) and do not use a mat of any kind.  I like my Teres as-is.  Warping is not a concern due to the Teres construction method.
Several times I had the opportunity to hear wonderful presentations
of wooden-platter turntables made by www.holz-akustik.de

Very natural and focussed sound. I guess they were presented
at the HighEnd in Munich this month as well.