Hi-Fi Power Conditioner ?


I ready to dump my Panamax line conditioner for a real PC and need some pointers on which one to buy? $2K is definitely out of the question, this will be used for my Belles 150A Ref Amp, Tube pre, Dac, Transport, Plasma, DVD and VCR. Used is a good option.

I have an APC S-15 which also has battery backup and it's truly amazing. I have terrible power from the grid, lot's of surges, brown outs and fluctuations in power and this really levels everything out. It made a much bigger difference than anything else I used including Monster Power, Richard Gray or Panamax.
Richard Gray makes a good technically sound pc for a fair price, assuming that what you need is an ac grunge eater. An industrial priced isolation transformer on the upstream side like the one Krell man noted (Sola makes a good one too), follwed by an RG 400 would be a pretty sweet set up to pretty much cover all the bases for not ridiculous $'s. I'd probably buy one (whichever is cheapest) and then evaluate before buying the second component. Much depends on what type of power problem you have (incoming line fluctuations or noise, grunge produced by one stereo component effecting others, etc.).
Oyaide outlet, Richard Gray Substation along with RG600 pole pig works great for me.
Between them they improve the music and video, protect and extend the equipment life with clean steady power, and help stretch the amp draw from a single outlet.
I recommend a PS Audio Power Plant Premier for your digital end and a Shunyata Research Hydra 6 or Hydra 8 for your amps. If you can't swing a Power Plant for the digital end I recommend a PS Audio Quintessence (on sale right now on AudioAdvisor). It's what I use and the noise floor has dropped away dramatically. Super quiet.