Hi Fi Tuning fuses

Has anyone used or is using HiFi Tuning fuses to benefit sound. Is is worth it to use in Ayre preamp, Mark Levinson 532h amp and possibly Benchmark DAC? Thanks for respectable replies.
"thatโ€™s why I included ...... among the mossbacks"ย  @geoffkaitย , I haven't heard that term in ages! Brings back great memories. You must be a bass angler.

" I felt it improved the dynamics in my Cary tube amp but only if installed in the proper direction! Placed the opposite way it degraded the SQ."
@three_easy_payments, I can't tell if you're being sarcastic or not.

Yes, given your proclivity for directionality, I thought you played for that team.


Cat a mite. ๐Ÿฅด