HiDiamond Power cords...

Has anyone tried the Power 3,2,1 power cords from HiDiamond. If so can you explain in best detail the qualities, strengths and which component you chose it on. I'm also curious which cords they compare to within the market.

Regards Bacardi
Fplanner2000, You were right on!
Placing the P4 on the CD/Dac is a big sonic improvement.
I thought that placing the P4 before the Power Conditioner would benefit all of the components plugged into it, but I guess I was wrong.
Next, to save up for another P4 for my Preamp.
Hi Ozzy, on my system, I would definitely follow Harve's recommendation.... My Rowland Criterion Pre being markedly less sensitive to PCs than my Rowland M725 amps. Guido