There are several manufacturers of hi-efficiency speakers, nut not many that are commonly discussed on this forum. There is no "best", just what's best to you. Mating a speaker to an amp for best sound involves a lot of factors besides the sensHere are some more manufacturers:
- Audio Note E,J, K or their DIY counterparts from ANK kits
- Avantgarde Acoustics - extremely efficient and pricey
- Bob Crites horn designs - the Cornscala will change the way you think about horns
- Cain and Cain - single driver speakers
- Classic Audio speakers
- Coherent - made in Canada. Look beautiful but I have not heard them
- Coincident
- decware - all great
- Devore O/97 and O/93 - outstanding speakers
- Omega - the best single-driver speakers I have personally heard
- Pi
- Reference 3A - you will see a lot of PP amps using these
- Rethm - the Bhaava is an amazing, affordable point source/rear loaded horn speaker w/ an active bass driver
- RL Acoustique - Lamhorn
- Shindo - upscale Klipsch designs, sound wonderful but $$$
- Silverline - some models
- Spatial - the M3/M4 Triode Master versions. Quite affordable
- Trenner & Friedl - some models
- Tyler Acoustics - some models
- Volti Audio - 21st century reworking of the classic Klipsch horn designs
- Tekton & Zu - not my cup of tea but a lot of guys love these
I may have missed some. There's also a whole world of older/classic speakers from an age when high-efficiency was a requirement and not a choice. Here are a few suggestions:
- Altec Lansing - Specifically the models 14, 15 and 19
- Cain and Cain - single drivers, highly regarded, company recently demised
- Klipsch - all classic Klipsch models w/ horns are very efficient
- Snell E, J, K or the /II models - the genesis of the Audio Note line. If you want to see if AN speakers will work in your room for cheap, grab a pair of these in good condition
- Tannoy - some models, although I always found these to be much less efficient than listed by the specs
- Von Schweikert db99 speaker - a recent model from a current mfr
I'm sure that I missed someone's favorite speaker vendor. If so my apologies...